Bollywood actress Karisma Kapoor has got another reason to celebrate. Today she gave birth to a baby boy at Mumbai Breach Candy Hospital. The entire Kapoor Khandan was there to welcome the new born. Both the mother and the baby are said to be in fine condition.
Karisma Kapoor family
Karisma Kapoor
Karisma Kapoor marriage
"Karisma has given birth to a baby boy. The delivery took place in the morning," the hospital source said.
Karisma Kapoor - recent photo at a party.
Karisma's friend and jewelry designer Farah Khan Ali wished her on her Twiiter page. "Karisma Kapoor just gave birth to a beautiful baby boy. Many congratulations to her and her family," Farah wrote.
This is Karisma’s second child after her first child Samaira who is six year old. Karisma is married to a Delhi based businessman Sanjay Kapoor
A heartiest congratulation to Karisma and the Kapoor family!
Karisma Kapoor with Samaira and sister Kareena
Sanjay Kapoor with Samaira
After giving birth to a beautiful girl, the good news is that Bollywood actress Karisma Kapoor has another gender to keep her occupied as a mom while adding happiness to Kareena Kapoor’s 'Maasi' responsibility.
Well who wouldn’t love to welcome a new member again and again? Karishma has made her industrialist hubby Sanjay Kapur proud with a baby boy which she delivered at the Breach Candy Hospital here on Friday morning.
Karisma Kapoor
The actress who had scored well in her career is also doing quite well in building a beautiful family.
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